Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The S.O.A.P. Method

Thanks to I found a neat bible study idea that I want to pass on.  I showed this to one of my sons and now he is using this method in his morning devotion time.  He says this has really helped him.  I hope this helps some of you as well!


S-stands for "Scripture".  Write out the scripture passage for the day in your own handwriting.  Writing out the scripture helps you to understand it better and take a closer, slower look at the verses.

O-stands for "Observations".  What do you notice in this passage?  You may want to summarize the verses in your own words, but most importantly write down what you hear God saying to you in these verses.  What new observations or insights have you learned?

A-stands for "Application".  How can you apply what you just read to your life?  Make it personal.  Is there something you need to change?  Someone you need to forgive?

P-stands for "Prayer".  Pray over what God has shown you today through His Word.  Ask Him to help you live it out.

Wow!  I love this!!  I really need to "soap" up everyday!!  Don't you?  This gives new meaning to the phrase, "being washed in the word".  Are you making time in God's word a priority in your life?

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