Monday, April 29, 2013

Recommended Reading

I've decided to start something new on Mondays.  Each Monday morning I will have a book recommendation for you.  It will be a book I've read and loved, and a book I believe is helpful to those who are workers at home.

 Reading is my most favorite thing to do.  It is not a stretch to say I've read hundreds of books.  There are some books that are, in my opinion, stand-outs.  It will be the stand-outs that I mention here.  This may or may not be my only post on Mondays.  (It depends how my Monday goes, if you know what I mean.  And, I know you do!)

The first book I am going to recommend is The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective by Martha Peace.  This book is one of my all time favorites.  I have read it four times and I will read it again.

I purchased this book in 1999 at a home school conference in Roanoke, VA.  (The book has nothing really to do with homeschooling, it was just available for purchase at the conference.)  The Excellent Wife had been mentioned to me by a friend and was also recommended by a speaker in one of the sessions I attended at the conference.  When I saw it at one of the tables I decided to purchase it and add it to my "to read" list.  It was a year before I got around to reading it but when I did, oh what a blessing was mine!  I read it twice that year and then in 2007 I used the study guide to facilitate a women's group in my home.  There were ten ladies including myself who met together in my living room for several weeks.  Everyone benefited and grew during that time, most of all me. (I don't think any of the husbands minded watching the kids on our meeting night considering the title of the book we were reading and studying.)

Being an "Excellent Wife" does not come naturally to me.  In fact, the opposite does.  And considering all of the bad advice given to wives, it's super important to look at what God's word has to say to wives.  (If you are not careful you begin to believe what the world is teaching and accept it as fact.)  Martha Peace writes her book for wives right from scripture.  She is not giving her opinion, or suggesting her ideas.  She takes the reader to scripture and points out what God says to wives.

Although I have read many, many wonderful parenting books I have chosen to recommend The Excellent Wife first.  The best thing you can give to your children is a strong marriage.  This book will aid you in being the wife God has called you to be and will strengthen your marriage in ways you could not have imagined.  By the way, I am not simply recommending this book to new wives.  I recommend this book for ALL wives.  Even if you have been married for 50 years I suggest reading this book.  In fact, this would also be wonderful reading for young women who are not yet married.  I wish I had read this before I was married instead of believing all of the worldly talk swirling around me.   It's better than I can describe and the only way to find out if I am right is to read it.  Please let me know if you do.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

**I like to keep things on the up and up here on my blog so just as a side note:  I am not being paid to endorse this book.  I am, however, paid a small commission by Amazon if you order from my blog.  If you should choose to, you can do so HERE.**

Thank you and HAPPY READING!  :)

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