
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


What is home?
It's comfortable and broken in with stacked books for reading, toys all over.  It's mis-matched glasses and bowls steaming hot with stew.  A bit of messy and people filled.  It's loud laughing, instrument practicing, dishwasher rinsing and clinking.

Home is heart filled joy, cozy warmth, comfortable spots.
Home is safe and strong.

Where is home?
Where family holds on in prayer, hugs tight, and tucks in.  Where children play and dream and draw.  Home is where hearts come in, heal up, where small ones grow and become.  Hands held, sharing good, holding up, loving strong.

Home is where you find courage, where you find understanding, where you find grace.
Home is where you find roots.

When is home?
Sleep in Saturdays, Sunday dinners, Friday fun nights, morning coffee, afternoon naps.  Home is for always.  Home is now.  Home is all the time.

Home is when you commit, when time marches on, when you start and when you finish.
Home is before, after, and in between.

Why is home?
Home is for gathering and needing, bringing in and saving up, growing dreams and celebrations.  Home is for messing up and trying harder, home is for learning and being.  Home is because.
Home is for talking late, figuring out, coming in, and planning through.  Home is grace.  Just because.


  1. Beautiful. And how fortunate are we that we get to be home-makers. God's story of redemption is being written in our homes:)

  2. Love this!!! Beautiful words!!!
    We wanted to thank you so much for the Christmas gift. We love it!!!
    It was so sweet of you!!
