
Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Since February is the LOVE month I thought it would be the perfect time to do a series on loving your husband.   If you think I am writing this series because I am a fabulous wife or I have a perfect marriage, let me set the record straight.  I am not a fabulous wife.  I am a work in progress.  I've made a lot of mistakes.  The thing about mistakes is, if you allow them, they are fantastic teachers.  My marriage is not perfect, but it is great.  It hasn't always been great.  There have been some bad times and some hard times.  Our marriage is what it is today because of what we learned during those hard times.  I am thankful for what God taught us through our difficulties and I am even more thankful for the changes He brought about in both my husband and myself.  None of us enjoy pain, but it is often during the painful times that we draw closer to God.  My husband and I are closer to God and each other now because of the work that God did in us during painful and difficult times. 

This series is to be an encouragement for you as well as myself.  I am working daily on becoming a better wife.  Some days I'm a good wife, other days I blow it.  In the eighteen years I've been married I have learned quite a bit, especially of late.  What I have learned, and am learning, is worth sharing.  Being a godly, biblical wife is not always popular in the world we live in but I am going to encourage you to be just that. There is nothing more cozy than a home where Dad and Mom are in love with each other.  There is no better gift you could ever give your children than a loving marriage and happy home.  

For the next 2 weeks we are going to take a look at respecting our husbands, submission, encouraging our husbands, praying for our husbands, dressing to please, the way to a man's heart, making time for our husbands, physical intimacy and more!  There will be a special giveaway for followers who share their own ideas too.  (details to come.)   

If you know of someone who could use encouragement please send them here.  I'm looking forward to learning and growing and I hope you are too.  

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,
    I'm really excited about your encouragement for wives and I'll looking forward to reading and joining you in this mission.
    ~Blessings, Jen
